I was happy to find out a new firmware update was available (I find it annoying to be stuck on a channel while it is receiving any digital signals).
So, I go to the Connect Systems web site under CS800 and I get a "boot loader", a "firmware update" and a Read Me" file...
Now I have a text file and two .bin files - what do I use to load this stuff, certainly not the programming software...
So, I go to "software" on the website, and it seems sure that what I need is to download something that turns out to be "Silicon Laboratories Flash Utility", which is one of the most oblique programs I have ever run. It looks like it could cause far more damage than help in the wrong hands, and it doesn't seem to accept .bin files anyway!
To make a tediously long story shorter, I finally traced down the FlashBurn software on the CS750 (where else would you expert to find software required for your CS800???) and I successfully flashed my CS800.
Isn't DMR obscure enough? Do newbies really need these rites of initiation where there is no explanation of how to flash your firmware?
Is there documentation written in easy to understand colloquial English for those that have survived this rite of fire?