CS800 Availability

CS800 Availability
On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 2:20 PM,

If you already put your order in for the CS800 mobile radio and we have not been able to contact you call Erin at 818 889 0503 and if you did not already pre-order it but would like to buy one please call same number and ask for Erin or Chris or me to take the order. The price of the radio is $280 and the pair of programming cables is $15. They are in stock at the current time and we expect another 400 over the next 20 days.

Jerry Wanger KK6LFS

Contact lists for uploading to CSI radios

Contact lists for uploading to CS750 or other CSI radios

DMR-Marc.net  updates the contact lists nightly, especially since they are the ones who generate the new users lists. 

Here is a source, supposedly updated daily, with all DMR contacts sorted by nation and state.

Does the CS750 radio support 65k+ users contacts?  The reason I am asking is that the CS750 CPS software crashes when I am trying to upload a large file. Has anyone tried to upload 8000+ contacts? 

Some time in the future after a few more FW upgrades, this will then be possible.

Here is a source, supposedly updated daily, with all DMR contacts sorted by nation and state.


The foxhollow server downloads & processes the nightly full database from the DMR-MARC website.  If you know of someone that got a new ID today, the foxhollow download ZIP file will have that new ID by tomorrow morning.

I currently create the files in CS700/MD380 CSV format as well as CS750 XLSX format.  If another type of file is needed, send me a message and I'll add it to the daily dumps.
Posted by: mark-yahoo@foxhollow.ca

[CS800DMR] Ignition Sense menu (Accessories)

Here is the pin out information for the CS800. 
We have not tested this for any capabilities, so please use it with caution.
1、 VOL_OUT:Received audio output 
2、 EXT-MIC:External MIC signal input 
3、 IGN IN:Ignition input 
4、 DEO:Received signal demodulation output 
5、 EXT_PTT:External PTT 
6、 Port1:Programmable auxiliary port 
7、 Port2:Programmable auxiliary port 
8、 GND:Gnd 
9、 Port3:Programmable auxiliary port 
10、 5C:DC+5V 
11、 USB_D-:USB- 

Repair of CS800 External Speaker Problem

Connect Systems is going to offer you three options for fixing the external speaker problem:

1. You can send the radio to us and we will pay for shipping both ways. We will get you a FedEx or USPS call tag to send it back to us. WE WILL NOT REIMBURSE YOU IF YOU SEND IT YOURSELF.

2. We will send you a P4KE12CA diode and have you install it yourself. To install the diode you need to take off the top cover and install the diode on top of the Speaker Jack. This is a relatively easy job because it is NOT surface mount. The diodes are a D041 case with leads.

3. You do nothing.

4. At this time this is only a possibility. We will supply a diode on an external device that will plug into the radio and you will then plug your speaker into that external device.

Upgrade Firmware for CS800

Upgrade Firmware for CS800 (Disclaimer-It worked for me)

Disclaimer- Not an expert, Not a representative of CSI and it worked for me. If you don't have a basic understanding of manipulating softwares and files, then make sure you understand before you start messing around or ask for help from somebody that does. 

To upgrade your CS800 to the lastest firmware, You will need the latest flash burn version 1.10
which you can get from the Connect Systems Website  under the CS750 Radio. Its not under the CS800 section. Flashburn 1.10 Download and open it. Minimize it (has an icon of a micro chip).
You will need it later  to upload the Mobile bootloader R2.01S.bin and the Firmware version 1.01.01 .bin

Download the Mobile_Bootloader_ R2.01S.bin from the CS800 Section of the Connect Systems Website

Connect Systems CS800 software upgrade flash firmware update

I was happy to find out a new firmware update was available (I find it annoying to be stuck on a channel while it is receiving any digital signals).

So, I go to the Connect Systems web site under CS800 and I get a "boot loader", a "firmware update" and a Read Me" file...

Now I have a text file and two .bin files - what do I use to load this stuff, certainly not the programming software...

So, I go to "software" on the website, and it seems sure that what I need is to download something that turns out to be "Silicon Laboratories Flash Utility", which is one of the most oblique programs I have ever run. It looks like it could cause far more damage than help in the wrong hands, and it doesn't seem to accept .bin files anyway!

To make a tediously long story shorter, I finally traced down the FlashBurn software on the CS750 (where else would you expert to find software required for your CS800???) and I successfully flashed my CS800.

Isn't DMR obscure enough? Do newbies really need these rites of initiation where there is no explanation of how to flash your firmware?

Is there documentation written in easy to understand colloquial English for those that have survived this rite of fire?

CS800 power settings

I was confused by the power setting listed in the CS800 manual. It lists 25w low, 45w UHF/50w VHF high. however the radio shows low, medium, and high settings. I checked the radio on analog with my bird meter and it shows 5 watts low, 25 watts medium, and 50 watts high. Another ham confirmed those readings with a service monitor. My bird meter will only show half the output for a digital signal but the readings I got were close to what I saw for analog. Several of us in my area were using the low setting assuming it was 25 watts but it fact we were only putting out about 5 watts. My advice is to verify for yourself what is listed in the manual because I am sure there are other mistakes listed.
Posted by: Richard W7AM

[CS800] separating the front head

Any productive guidelines to get the front separated? I slide the little plastic tab towards the arrow on the left hand side, but everything is still tight together...

Push the tab as you have done then you slide the front to the left.  It does not pull out like your instincts would show.

Who would have thunk it slid off, rather than "popped" off!


Reply-To: CS800DMR@yahoogroups.com
Here is the latest information and our recommendation -

Currently, we request that you DO NOT USE any external speaker of any impedance value with the CS800. We are working on solutions to correct this problem as quickly as possible.

We have been able to recreate the damage to the audio output system while using an external speaker. On careful analysis, Jerry has determined that this problem originates in speakers with a high inductance, and that impedance will play little role. The cause is a voltage spike generated due to high inductance that is reflected back into the system, overpowering the MOSFETs. The spike is generated when a sharp waveform is passed to the speaker, which is possible under both analog and digital reception.

We are researching solutions and have some ideas that need to be tested and approved by the manufacturer. We will publish the changes for those who would like to make the modification

CS800 Using External Speaker - UPDATE

CS800 Using External Speaker - UPDATE
Reply-To: CS800DMR@yahoogroups.com

We have been testing a variety of scenarios and researching the circuitry on the CS800 since the last post. Here is the latest information:

The audio output is rated to handle between 2 and 16 ohms, and is supposed to be able to handle a dead short. The part number for the audio amplifier is TDA2003 in case anyone is interested in doing additional research. We do not suggest experimenting on your radio - but instead we are providing this to assure folks that we will not currently be refusing warranty repair or replacement if the audio output is compromised.

We have tried to break a couple of radios by using a variety of speakers with a range of impedance values, but we have yet to recreate the problem. Our manufacturer is also investigating the problem, and we are exchanging information often.

We have heard that some folks are using an external speaker with no problems noted. While there is probably no need to disconnect existing speakers that are working, we are leaning toward the conservative view until we know more. The purpose behind our current recommendation is to avoid any more damaged radios until we can determine a specific cause. It may have nothing to do with an external speaker, but right now that is the only item in common.

CS800 volume control function

CS800 volume control function

After additional research, I have discovered P7 & P8 are functions on the volume control, which if pushed in, there is a switch contact there for the timed "button" push.... also the volume knob/control function

That being said, My CS800 volume control function returned, after I set F7 "short" to 'volume up' and "long" to 'volume down'

Harold Yarian

update #12 - Connect Systems Inc

Greetings to the DMR Groups.

I'll begin with a thank you for all of your reports and comments regarding your experiences with the CS750 and CS800. I will also apologize for not posting more often, but things are very busy at CSI right now.

Good news first then - as some of you have already noticed, we posted the Data Extraction tool for the CS700 .rdt files, written for us by Tom Wheeler who also created the Contact Manager software. This tool will extract your Contacts and Channels information from the .rdt file and export them into an Excel spreadsheet. Yes, unfortunately Excel is still required at this time. From there, they can be imported into the CPS. Due to the nature of interdependencies in the CPS, we cannot export or import               Zone, Scan, or Receive Group
information. We are aware that this still leaves quite a bit of additional programming, but the heavy lifting of large contacts lists and extensive channel information is handled by the new tool. One more important note - import your Contacts FIRST and then your Channels, otherwise the TX groups will not populate correctly.

On to the bugs. Please continue to post any issues that you find with our radios, even if it is listed below. I read every post placed here even though I cannot respond to most of them. We are chasing down some elusive causes for these problems and you never know who might post that one small bit of information regarding a setup or experience that provides a critical clue. This is by no means a complete list, but these are the priority items now for both the CS750 and the CS800.

Connect Systems CS800 remote mount kit

All you need is a cat 5 cable or the 20.00 flat cable remote mount is on radio just pull 4 screws behind head

CS800 Suggest the button settings

CS800 Suggest the button settings?

P1 Scam on/off and Nuisanca Delete.
P2 Repeat/Talkaround and Power Switch
P3 All Alert on/off and Monitor
P5 Channel Up and Zone Up
P6 Channel Down and Zone Down
P8 Forward: Volume up
Reverse: Volume Down.

CS800 Motorboating Like Sound

The fix for both motorboating (actually R.F. Feedback between antenna and the microphone) and external speaker.

You can also look inside the microphone and the radio to see if the fix was put in.

Need to put a really small capacitor (270 pF) across the microphone element.
Jerry Wanger KK6LFS - 7/9/2015 10:09 AM

Speaker Fix. Please open the cover of the unit to check if the part is physically there.

The speaker Mod is a capacitor in the speaker mike. To see if you have it, move the speaker around the antenna and see if you get motorboating when you transmit on the receiving radio. If you have no problems you either have the capacitor in or your radio is not as susceptible as other radios. We have only had a few people report the problem and hundreds of radios being used.
Jerry Wanger KK6LFS - 7/9/2015 6:51 PM