CS800 Important instructions for updating firmware or code plug


Radios ship with the latest 1000 channel / 1000 contact version of firmware unless ordered otherwise

If you received your CS800/801 in September or afterward, there is no need to update the front panel

CS750 / 751 – Press the ‘O’ key, select ‘Utilities’ (Wrench) menu, select ‘Radio Info’ menu, scroll through until you see ‘Firmware Ver.’ and select it to determine current version in radio

If your firmware reads as 1.00.## - you are using the 1000 channel / 1000 contact version and your CPS MUST be a 3.03.## version

If your firmware reads as 1.01.## - you are using the 2000 channel / 65K contact version and your CPS MUST be a 4.00.## version

CS800 / 801 – Press the ‘P4’ key, select ‘Utilities’ (Wrench) menu, select ‘Radio Info’ menu, scroll through until you see ‘Firmware Ver.’ and select it to determine current version in radio

If your firmware reads as 1.01.## - you are using the 1000 channel / 1000 contact version and your CPS MUST be a 3.03.## version

If your firmware reads as 2.00.## - you are using the 2000 channel / 65K contact version and your CPS MUST be a 4.00.## version

Incorrectly mixing CPS versions with firmware versions will result in unusable programming and odd displays. It will not hurt the radio but you will need to start over

You can upgrade a code plug from a 1000 channels version to a 2000 channels version but you cannot go back – save your 1000 channels version before upgrading in case you want to revert back to that
version of firmware

To upgrade your code plug, open CPS 4.00.##, select the Tools pulldown menu, select CPS Data Translate, navigate to the old code plug in the source window, adjust the destination path and file name if desired, and translate the plug. Open this new plug and upload it into a radio updated with the 2000 channels / 65K contacts version of firmware.

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